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Welcome to WARMUP Doc. ! Learn How to Setup Google ReCaptcha V2 Checkbox.

Google Re Captcha Link
  1. Open a Browser (Chrome) and Open Following Link
  2. https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create
  3. If you are not Login to Google Account then First Login
  4. Again goto Above Link
  5. Setup will proceed to next screen.
Google Re Captcha Version Selection
  1. Enter any Name like WARMUP Recaptcha Key in Label Input Field
  2. Select Recaptcha V2 (reCAPTCHA v2 Verify requests with a challenge)
  3. Now Select "I'm not a robot" Checkbox (Validate requests with the "I'm not a robot" checkbox)
  4. In Domains Add Your WARMUP Domain/Sub-Domain, Staff Domain/Sub-Domain, Customer App Domain/Sub-Domain one by one. Click on + to open new domain input field.
  5. Check the Accept Captcha Terms Checkbox
  6. Check the Send Alerts to Owner Checkbox
  7. Now Click Submit Button
Google Recaptcha Keys Generated
  1. If There is no error, then Keys will be generated. 1. Site Key, 2. Secret Key
  2. Now we have to open WARMUP as Admin and add these keys one by one to our Customer App and Staff App Setting.
Adding Keys to WARMUP
  1. Login to WARMUP Portal, Go to WARMUP Setting > Customer App Setting
  2. Once Settings are Loaded go to Options. Go Down to Google Recaptcha Keys
  3. Copy Site Key From Google Page (1) to Public Key
  4. Copy Secret Key From Google Page (2) to Secret Key
  5. Save the Setting and then visit the App Page and Hopefully Captcha Box is Loading Now.
  6. If any problem, contact WARMUP Team for consulation.