Welcome to WARMUP Doc. ! Get familiar with WARMUP Modules and explore their features:

ESXi Hypervisor Server Installation
Complete Guide to Install ESXi Hypervisor Server Installation

UBUNTU Installation
Complete Guide to Install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

It gives information about WARMUP dashboard.

Google ReCaptcha V2 Setup
It gives information about Google Re Captcha V2 Setup.

Warmup Setting
Here you can setup WARMUP.

Area Management
Here you can set areas in which you provide services.

Nas Setup
Here you can set new NAS,can check NAS list and download public key.

Package's Setup
Here you can check packages list and add new packages.

Company Setup
Here you can check different company groups and setup loop holders.

HR Module
You can add new staff, staff groups and check staff.

Customer Record
Here you can check different customers.

Here you can check your Expenses.

Server Setting
Here you can setup your serever.

Mikrotik Monitoring
Here you can monitor your Mikrotik bandwidth.

Javascript Issues
You have to enable Javascript to use WARMUP.